
Are you ready for Corporate Tax in the UAE?

Are you ready for Corporate Tax in the UAE?

Are you ready for Corporate Tax in the UAE?

In 2017, the UAE introduced a new tax system, marking a significant shift in the country’s approach to taxation. The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE was a major change that affected businesses across the country. As a business owner, it is essential to understand the implications of corporate tax in the UAE and whether or not your business is ready to comply with the new regulations.

What is Corporate Tax in the UAE?

Corporate tax is a direct tax on the income of companies and other legal entities. The UAE introduced a corporate tax to diversify its sources of revenue and reduce its dependence on oil. The tax is applied to businesses that operate in the UAE and generate income from within the country. The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE was a significant shift in the country’s taxation policy, which had long been known for its tax-free environment. In the meanwhile, if you like to know about 5 ways you can save money for your business. 

The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE marked a significant shift in the country’s approach to taxation. The tax system is designed to be business-friendly, with low rates and a high threshold for the tax liability. The current rate of corporate tax in the UAE is 5%, which is relatively low compared to other countries in the region. However, the tax rate could be increased in the future.

Who is Subject to Corporate Tax in the UAE?

Corporate tax in the UAE is applicable to companies that are established in the UAE and have a taxable presence in the country. A company is considered to have a taxable presence in the UAE if it carries out commercial activities in the country or has a permanent establishment in the UAE. Companies that do not have a taxable presence in the UAE are not subject to corporate tax.

Companies that are subject to corporate tax in the UAE are required to register with the Federal Tax Authority (FTA). The FTA is responsible for administering the tax system in the UAE, including collecting and enforcing tax payments. Companies that fail to register with the FTA or pay the required taxes may be subject to penalties and fines.

What are the Latest Updates on Corporate Tax in the UAE?

The UAE government has made several updates to its corporate tax regulations since the introduction of the tax system. In 2018, the UAE introduced a value-added tax (VAT) system, which is also administered by the FTA. The VAT system is applicable to most goods and services in the UAE, and companies that are subject to corporate tax are also subject to VAT.

In 2020, the UAE government issued new regulations for economic substances. The economic substance regulations require companies that are subject to corporate tax to demonstrate that they have a sufficient level of economic substance in the UAE. This is designed to prevent companies from using the UAE as a tax haven and to ensure that they are contributing to the country’s economy.

Impact of Corporate Tax on Businesses in the UAE

The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE has had a significant impact on businesses across the country. Companies that are subject to tax are required to file tax returns and pay taxes on their income. This can be a time-consuming process, especially for small businesses that may not have the resources to devote to tax compliance.

However, the low tax rate and high tax threshold have made the system more business-friendly than in other countries. This has helped to attract foreign investment and improve the UAE’s reputation as a destination for doing business.

Companies that are subject to corporate tax in the UAE may also be subject to double taxation, as they may be taxed on their income in their home country as well as in the UAE. However, the UAE has signed tax treaties with many countries to avoid double taxation, which can help to reduce the tax burden for companies. You can contact us if you need any help regarding tax in UAE.

Preparation for Corporate Tax in the UAE

As a business owner, it is essential to ensure that your company is prepared for corporate tax in the UAE. This means understanding the tax system, registering with the FTA, and complying with all of the necessary regulations.

Companies that are subject to corporate tax in the UAE should keep detailed records of their income and expenses to ensure accurate tax reporting. It is also important to work with a tax expert to understand the specific requirements for your business and to ensure that you are meeting all of the necessary obligations.

It is also important to note that the economic substance regulations in the UAE require companies to have a physical presence in the country and to demonstrate that they are contributing to the local economy. This means that companies may need to establish an office or hire local employees in order to comply with the regulations.

The introduction of corporate tax in the UAE has marked a significant shift in the country’s approach to taxation. As a business owner, it is essential to understand the implications of corporate tax in the UAE and to ensure that your company is ready to comply with the new regulations. By being prepared and working with a tax expert, you can ensure that your business continues to thrive in the UAE’s changing tax environment.


Corporate tax is a new and significant change in the UAE’s taxation policy. As a business owner, it is essential to understand the implications of corporate tax in the UAE and to ensure that your company is ready to comply with the new regulations. It is recommended that you consult with a tax expert to understand the specific requirements for your business and to ensure that you are meeting all of the necessary obligations. By being prepared for corporate tax in the UAE, you can ensure that your business continues to thrive in the country’s changing tax environment.